Flutter App Developement

SITH Computer Institute
Last Update 04/09/2023
0 already enrolled

About This Course


  • Flutter is open-source UI toolkit for building mobile, web, and desktop applications from a single codebase.
  • Flutter allows developers to write code once and run it on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, web, and desktop.
  • Become a professional app developer.
  • Build apps for your business.


Helpie FAQ

  • Installation
    Installation over Windows, macOS
  • Set up an editor
    Although student can choose their IDE, we will learn how to setup Android Studio.
  • Test Drive
    How to create a new Flutter app from templates, run it, and experience “hot reload” after you make changes to the app.
  • Write your first app
    Contents Step 1: Create the starter Flutter app Step 2: Use an external package Step 3: Add a Stateful widget Step 4: Create an infinite scrolling ListView
    Dart: The language Dart: The libraries Dart: The platforms Practice problems in Dart: 10 problems
  • Introduction to user interface
    Introduction to Widgets
  • Building Layouts in Flutter
    Layouts in Flutter Tutorial Creating adaptive and responsive apps Building adaptive apps Understanding constraints Box constraints Adding interactivity Assets and images
  • Navigation & routing
    Navigation in Flutter Deep linking URL strategies
  • Animations
    Introduction Overview Tutorial Implicit animations Hero animations Staggered animations
  • Advanced UI
    Actions & shortcuts Keyboard focus system Gestures Slivers Splash screens Widget catalog
  • Data & backend
    State management:- Introduction Think declaratively Ephemeral vs. app state Simple app state management
  • Networking
  • JSON and serialization
  • Firebase
  • DevTools
    Overview Install from Android Studio & IntelliJ Flutter inspector Performance view
  • CPU Profiler view
    Memory view Network view Debugger Logging view App Size tool Release notes
  • Flutter SDK
    Overview Upgrading Releases Breaking changes Release notes
  • Projects
    Xylophone Day Magic 8 ball Day Twin dice roll Day Weather app Day Group chat app Day

Atul Salgankar
Android Developer / VED Computech ltd

Atul Salgankar

I have been in touch with Sith Institute for the past 1 year. Done my android course with proper knowledge under the expertise in the same domain. Their teaching technique is very much fantastic. People will enjoy learning in a positive environment and good supportive faculty. Thank You, Tariq Sir and Tunna Sir for your Support.

Yash Sawant
Android Developer / SITH Computer Institute

Yash Sawant

I have completed a Diploma in Android from Sith Institute. I got to learn new concepts and the faculties named Tariq Sir and Tunna Sir helped a lot during the course and for completing projects too. Because of different-different projects I got to learn new technologies and gained confidence. Thank You, Team.

Rushikesh Sawant
Android Developer / WhizzAct Solutions

Rushikesh Sawant

I have completed an Android course from SITH Institute. I would like to say thanks to Tariq Sir and Tunna Sir they were very helpful and very supportive during the whole journey of my course. The project which I did during the course which is very helpful to gain confidence for interview preparation. I had a great experience with SITH Institute. Thank you so much Team

Abhishek Dubey

Abhishek Dubey

SITH Institute is definitely one of the best institutes to learn Android. I did a course for Android and did many projects during the course. All faculties  have good experience of the course and are very helpful. Thank You Team.

Learning Objectives

Become a professional app developer.
Build apps for your business.

Material Includes

  • Classes designed notes


  • All you need is a laptop, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection!

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SITH Computer Institute

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